Welcome to CyWat Technologies
Safe water for all

Real-Time optic based sensing,
with A.I. analytics and IIOT control
What we do
We’re a talented group of entrepreneurs and experts developing a groundbreaking solution designed to contribute towards a better tomorrow.
At CyWat Technologies, we offer the water suppliers across the globe, a solution for real-time water quality monitoring, preventing water pollution events and ensuring public health and safety.

A comprehensive solution – for water authorities & water utility providers
A holistic system view of the entire water grid, management tools & detection of contaminations both chemical & biological in real-time, allowing rapid response and treatment in case of contamination detection.
We offer a complete water quality management service: 24/7 Monitoring & Data analysis POWERED by our unique AI & ML tolls using our Software & optical Hardware.
A network of Smart Sensors
Cloud analysis management Software

Water quality data

Big data analysis
View of the water quality across the entire water grid
Detection and alarm of pollution's type and location

Our vision
At CyWat Technologies, we believe that our solutions will soon become one of the biggest segments in the industry.
We can detect in real-time even the smallest changes in the water conditions with both chemical & biological pollutant insertions to regular tap water – all in one affordable – smart – sensor unit.
Continue reading and learn all there is to know about the smart tech behind our successful Technology Company.